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At Bloom Community School, we approach school differently. We view education as a dynamic, collaborative, and engaged experience for cultivating joyful, independent, and interdependent learners. Bloom lives out progressive and democratic models for teaching and learning, which support children as both learners and citizens, and promotes diversity, equity, and justice in our school community.

By integrating innovative, nontraditional methods, curricula, and teaching and assessment practices within a multi-layered framework, Bloom Community School’s approach offers a unique, individualized education experience for each child. Within small class sizes of mixed-aged students, and all-classes community activities, Bloom nurtures students in becoming self-aware lifelong learners, collaborative teammates and leaders, and caring, active members of our community.


Bloom Community School is informed by constructivist perspectives on learning and childhood development, which is based on the idea that children actively construct their own understanding of the world around them through experiences and interactions with their environment. Our aim is to create a more student-centered and democratic learning environment that supports students' intellectual, emotional, and social development. 


We view learning as an active, dynamic process that is shaped by both the individual and their home, school, and community environments as well as the social and cultural contexts in which learning takes place. Bloom supports a child's natural curiosity and desire to learn, and nurtures them in constructing their own understanding of the world in a meaningful way.

Constructivist learning theory suggests that children learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process and encouraged to explore, experiment, and ask questions. The role of the teacher is to facilitate this process by creating opportunities for exploration and discovery, rather than simply transmitting information to students. At Bloom, these learning experiences come through carefully planned inquiries through:

  • Play (indoor and outdoor activities)

  • Nature-based exploration including observational walks and visits to the Refuge Food Forest

  • Project-based learning

  • Democratic decision-making

  • Teacher-directed learning activities

  • Experiments

  • Social-emotional learning (guided by teachers throughout the day)

  • Math thinking exercises

  • Reading and listening to books and texts

  • Talking with one another and sharing ideas and knowledge

  • Hands-on and text-based research

  • Designing and carrying out individual and group projects

  • Facilitated discussions

  • Field trips

  • Service-learning and volunteering

  • All-school activities and celebrations


We emphasize the importance of communication skills and collaboration as part of a 21st-century skills framework. This is closely linked to Bloom’s belief in the importance of social-emotional learning, which research shows is a highly effective way to support students' academic success, mental health, and overall well-being.

Mixed-age classes encourage natural development


Phone: (309) 808-1192



1100  Beech Street, Building #11

Normal, IL 61761

©2017 by Bloom Community School. Proudly created with

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